Saturday 27 October 2012

Day 353 (photo)

Looking back over the blog, I see that this face flare started on October 1st. It is now october 27th, which makes this my longest skin flare yet during withdrawals.

Here I am today:

The facial skin is covered in a fine yellow crust from the oozing. Last night I picked a tiny piece of crust away with my fingernail, but it was wet and raw underneath. The best thing is to leave it alone, but I feel so helpless doing NOTHING.

I found some packs of Domeboros in my medicine tub that fellow blogger kelou sent me a while ago. Domeboro, or Burows solution, is an aluminium acetate solution commonly used on weepy rashes. Unfortunately, it is not widely available here in the UK, although it sometimes pops up on Amazon. Many doctors treating TSW like to use Domeboro on their patients.

I made up the powder sachet in half a pint of cold water and gently applied it to my face with a cotton wool pad. The cold water felt good on my hot, burning skin. Some of the yellow flakes lifted off and I repeated the process, using a fresh pad each time. I have been able to put the jug of solution in the fridge, where I can use it for up to 7 days, so one sachet goes a long way.

Immediately after using the domeboro, my skin feels tight. But it is not weeping fluid. I do not know if it will work or not, but at least I feel like I am doing something. I hate this crust of yellow on my skin. it looks vile and I am too embarrassed to go out.

I will file a progress report soon. I really have no clue if the Domeboro will help or not.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this awful flare. But your skin has been looking amazing up until now so I'm sure this is one last awful flare up.

Have you ever tried bionect? it's good for healing damaged skin and helps to keep moisture in skin.

I'm sure you've gotten a lot of advice and recommendations from friends but I figured I'd recommend this in the chance that it'll make this process easier for you.

I hope you feel better and this passes soon

Louise said...

Thanks for your comments and concern H.

The domeboro is helping pretty well, so im going to stick with that for a few days.

Bionect looks good, but i dont think it is available here in the uk.

Thanks anyway. X

Wynter said...

I still haven't had yellow ooze on my face yet!!! I keep waiting for it... I applied the most steroid to my face.

Have you noticed any difference between how the yellow vs clear ooze behaves? I'd like to prevent it if I can.

Louise said...

Wynter, you don't want the yellow ooze, trust me!

The clear ooze is almost indistinguishable from sweat, apart from the fact that it feels a bit sticky and tacky. It tends to dry in contact with air and disappear.

The yellow ooze is thicker. It is more like honey in appearance and consistency and dries to a hard crust.

Ew, it makes me shudder just thinking about it!

I had the yellow ooze appear in the first weeks of TSW, so if you haven't had it by now, maybe you never will!

Keep on bloggin' x